Andreas Mayer

Executive Coach


As leaders grow in their career, they are routinely confronted with new challenges, yet we are all the product of our history and experiences, that make us respond in a certain way.

Marshall Goldsmith famously said,

‘What got you here won’t get you there’.

Behaviors that were key for your success until now, may not be enough for the future or may even become a road block.

Executive coaching has been shown to be one of the most effective tools to help leaders develop and consistently change behaviors.

I support leaders to get ‘there’ by acting as a guide and sparring partner.

During the interactions I facilitate discovering blind spots and hidden barriers, that - once identified - can be translated into action to consistently change behaviors

and deliver increased performance and effectiveness for the individual and the business.


Through my international career at IBM, Lenovo, HP, a Data Science start up and currently as the MD of an SMB services company, I have established a proven track record as a senior leader and mentor, successfully driving international teams in Operations, Sales and Marketing.

As a coach I am drawing on my extensive professional experience as a leader, the continuous development through the rich coaching sessions with clients from different industries like banking, hospitality, professional services and technology, as well as the solid academic foundation from the INSEAD Coaching Certification program. I am also a certified Global Leadership Coach by Global Coach Group.

The objective of my coaching is that it directly or indirectly leads to better results for the client and the business. Guided by Aristotle’s saying, ‘Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom’, I provide a judgment-free space for the client to generate insights that increase their effectiveness, personally and in role. You will experience me in role as a curious listener to what is being said - and what is not being said. I will be offering hypotheses about what may be going on and will be exploring emotions and not just facts.


What others say

“Andreas' coaching is effective because he cares. He took a lot of interest in my person first and tried to understand why I made certain choices both personal and professionally. With that information he made me go back to basics and this allowed me to put things in perspective on a professional level.

These sessions were a game changer for me and made me look more differently at my career by setting the right priorities, not over complicating things and achieving my goals while growing my start-up..”

Max, Entrepreneur, London

“I got to know Andreas in 2020 and came to appreciate him both as a coach and as a person. I was faced with the challenge of managing my next career step, from first line to second line manager. Andreas was able to help me quickly because he understands my world and what I am going through. He adapted to me very quickly and was an excellent sparring partner when I was confronted with challenging situations. He didn't give me a "one size fits all" solution but challenged me to think for myself by asking questions and helped me develop solutions. The whole thing very patiently, sympathetically and through his broad national and international leadership experience with a high authenticity and credibility. Every company that can win Andreas as a coach can consider itself lucky.”

Volker, Sales Director, Cologne

“Andreas und ich haben an der INSEAD in Fontainbleau zusammen den Lehrgang zum INSEAD Coaching Certificate vom Oktober 2019 bis September 2020 absolviert. In dieser Zeit haben wir intensiv in einer Arbeitsgruppe zusammen gearbeitet bei der Andreas mich in regelmässigen Abständen als Coach begleitete.

Ich habe Andreas als einen sehr angenehmen, gut strukturierten Sparingpartner kennen gelernt der die Coaching Sitzungen mit mir stets klar strukturiert und mit viel Einfühlungsvermögen geführt hat. Mit seinem ruhigen Wesen hat er mich auf meinem Weg Schritt für Schritt weiter gebracht und immer wieder neue Wege gefunden die Themen welche mich beschäftigten zu vertiefen. Der Themenbereich wurde immer klar abgesteckt und seine Fragen waren präzise und nachdrücklich. Gleichzeitig konnte ich jederzeit seine ungeteilte Aufmerksamkeit und seinen Willen mich in meinem Prozess weiterzubringen spüren.

Andreas hat sich mein volles Vertrauen erarbeitet. Die Sitzungen waren effizient und intensiv. Dank dem Coaching von Andreas konnte ich ein besseres Verständnis für meine eigene Situation erarbeiten und alte nicht zielführende Verhaltensmuster ablegen sowie nachhaltige Entscheidungen treffen.

Ich danke Andreas für seine wertvolle Arbeit und empfehle ihn Führungskräften in einem Veränderungsprozess wärmstens als Executive Coach weiter.

Andreas Schüpbach, Mitgründer und CEO TRU Systems GmbH, Zürich

Andreas Mayer

Executive Coach

Executive Coach with more than 20 years executive leadership experience

Passion for developing people and businesses through coaching, mentoring and leadership

INSEAD ICC Certificate

Certified Global Leadership Coach by Global Coach Group

Certified Practitioner of Gobal Leadership Assessment (GLA360) by Global Coach Group

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